4 Quick Tips for Growing Your Influence on Twitter

4 Quick Tips for Growing Your Influence on Twitter

There are many brands that spend an ample amount of time on Twitter trying to expand their visibility without getting the results they want. They see the same follower numbers day after day and their links get very few impressions.

If this sounds like you, then there’s no need to worry – Twitter isn’t wasting your time, you just need to focus your actions more to turn your social media feed into a way to generate leads and increase brand relevance and recognition.

In order to get you more followers, it’ll take some time and effort. However, there are some ways to make quick changes and see improvement in your social media platform use. Let’s look into some ways you can grow your brand using Twitter as the ultimate generator of traffic along with sales.

Society of Social Media

There is no denying that social media is of incredible importance in today’s society. Brands need to be on these sites in order to really have an impact. More than a billion people use Twitter and other social media, so let’s get into 4 quick ways to grow your Twitter account.

Use Twitter Cards

These are tweets that stand out due to links showing images that your brand attaches to them. If you want a post to stand out, then an image is a great way to do this. There are various types of Twitter cards that you can use in your links, and they can be simple to set up depending on how tech savvy you are. There are even sites where you can make sure that your Twitter card shows up correctly.

Build Your Followers

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’ve likely not been targeting your followers if you aren’t seeing growth. If your followers are targeted, then their numbers will steadily increase. As with gaining more Instagram like and followers, there are tools that allow you to increase your relevancy on Twitter and gain more followers. You can use Twitter analytics, which is much like Instagram analytics, to improve your posts and get more engagement.

Engage with Influencers

One of the quickest ways to skyrocket to fame and relevancy is to ride on the coattails of someone who’s already popular and relevant. Aim to interact with influencers and increase the opportunities you have to gain followers and increase engagement and traffic to your site. Try looking for an influencer that fits into your field of specialization and you can build relationships while reaching your target audience.

Use Your Email List

If you have an email list, this is a great opportunity to target more users. The emails on your list are people who want to know about your products, services, and content, making them an excellent targeted audience. You can tailor your audience by using the contact information you already have and matching it with registered Twitter users. By doing so, you can target them whenever you want to promote something or have new content.

You can reach an entire audience by making some simple changes that result in a spike in your engagement and the users that follow your brand’s profile.

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